Press Release/Information Bulletin – 26JUN2018
26 June 2018
Dennis Moriarty (K8AGB since 1956), Club Trustee for Public Information
2018 Planned Activities, ARRL FIELD DAY, DMR and More.
Ohio is 5th In the USA with 28,000 +/- Amateur Radio Licensees.
In Stark County (Ohio) over 1000 Amateur Radio Licenses have been issued to people of all ages.
Many of the Stark County Radio Amateurs are Members and/or Friends of The Canton Amateur Radio Club.
The CANTON AMATEUR RADIO CLUB (W8AL), Since 1941 is an ARRL “AFFILIATED” ( Since 1943) and a ARRL “SPECIAL SERVICE CLUB’ invites all Radio Amateurs and interested persons of all ages to the following:
The CARC Members & Friends, Breakfast is the Second Saturday of each month at; MENCHES Bros. Rest. 4887 West Tuscarawas St. Canton, Oh. At 08:30 am, Parking at the West Side of the Bldg. NO Steps and Wheel Chair Ramp at the door. Hope to see you July 14th.
The office of Secretary is presently not filled, All available parties are asked to contact President Dale Lamm NX8J.
Your 2018 annual CARC Dues are past due, Associate Member is S10.00 and Full Member is $20.00, payable at the July 18th Meeting.
At the July 18th. Meeting:
The 2018 CARC FIELD DAY preliminary report will be reviewed.
Watch the CARC FIELD DAY PICTURES on the Big Twin Screens.
34 Radio Amateurs and 8 Non licensed persons participated, Including 6 Radio Amateurs licensed since last years Field Day.
The Massillon and Canton UHF DMR Repeaters are now LINKED and “ON THE AIR”. Coming soon at a CARC Meeting will be:
The regular stated meetings of the CARC are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm in the Training Room of the Stark County EMA/E0C, The Lower Level of the County Safety Bldg. ( West of the County Jail & Sheriff Dept.) 4500 Atlantic Blvd. N.E. ( Rt. 62), Look for the New Direction Signs in the Visitors Parking Lot and Bldg, Lobby. NOTE: Entrance Door Attendant on duty from 7 PM – 7:25 PM. ( This location is a secured location) Hope to see you July 18th.
You can read about the CARC and Club activities on the Refreshed Web Pages, go to:, including the New and Improved W8AL 2-Meter Repeater on 146.790 Mhz. Receive CTCS Tone of 141.3 Hzs. For more information contact Canton Amateur Radio Club at P.O. Box 8673 Canton, Oh. 44711-8673
The CARC meets at other times and locations for Community Related Events such as: Supporting and Conducting License Classes, Annual Awards Banquet in January, ARRL FIELD DAY, the end of June , OHIO QSO PARTY (Annual Plaque Sponsor) and OHIO State Parks Contest in August, Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) Scouting Largest Event in October and Seven Ranges Scout Camp is the Summer operation location (QTH) for Station KT8BSA.
Canton Chapter 21 Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) invite all interested Radio Amateurs and especially who were licensed 25 years ago to join us for Lunch at TIM’s Tavern in Canton, on the last Wednesday of the month, Hope to see you July 25th. .At 12 noon, look for the Big Round Table. 3323 Parkway St. KW. ( West of the 1-77/ 13th. St. Exit). From, Jim N8PZL, Secretary : Your $5.00 Chapter dues are due,. For More Chapter Information, visit the New Web Site at
ARRL Field Day 2018
Join us as we again participate in the annual ARRL Field Day at the Dearman Family farm, 2345 Baum St SE, Canton, OH 44707
Setup will be on Friday, June 22nd starting around 5pm.
On Saturday club members will arrive around 9am and finish setup/final preperations.
The on-the-air event runs from approximately noon Saturday thru noon Sunday, with teardown taking place on Sunday afternoon.
Talk-in is available on the W8AL 2 meter repeater on 146.79 mhz, with a PL/CTCSS tone of 141.3hz.
Once on site, licensed amateur radio operators may use 446.150 mhz simplex, with a PL/CTCSS tone of 141.3hz on their HT for field day site communications (weather/medical emergencies, “food’s ready”, etc).
More information about field day can be found on the ARRL website.
Event Calendar
I have added a public club event calendar to the website, it can be found by hovering over the Meetings & Events tab, and then clicking on Event Calendar. Events shown on this calendar can be synced with many devices, including iOS and Android. Simply click the +GoogleCalendar icon at the bottom right.
New Membership Application
In an effort to keep ahead of coming changes to the ARES level structure, Ted K8TWA has redone the CARC Membership application to allow club administration to keep track of each members ARES level of training. The new application can be found here.
Pro Football HOF Special Event Log & QSL Status
The log sheet and QSL status info for QSO’s made during the 2017 Pro Football HOF Enshrinement Festival Special Event can be viewed on Dropbox.
If you made a QSO during the event, it should appear on that sheet. If you sent a QSL card, but it does not show as received, please email the QSL Manager Justin, W8JKC.