The Canton Amateur Radio Club was founded on Wednesday, January 29, 1941. Our founding officers included President Paul Hughes (W8UIL), Vice-President Martin (Babe) Hunker (W8RQK) and Dr. Don Volzer (W8SQW) served as Secretary-Treasurer. Dues collected at the first meeting totaled $1.45. Being an American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Affiliated Club and an ARRL Special Service Club, we are dedicated to promoting Amateur (Ham) Radio and to provide emergency communications for our surrounding communities.
We have a meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7:30 PM at the Stark County EMA/EOC Office (lower level) at the Sherriff’s Department complex, 4500 Atlantic Blvd. NE (US Rt 62), Canton, OH. The meetings are followed by refreshments and a technical program. Our meetings and breakfast are open to anyone licensed or not with an interest in Amateur Radio. Come see what Amateur Radio is all about!
The Canton Amateur Radio Club is active in contesting. Every June the club participates in the ARRL Field Day Contest where Amateur Radio Clubs from all over the United States and Canada set up portable stations supplied by alternate power simulating emergency conditions, we then make as many contacts in 24 hours as possible. Our rating for this event is very high at both the state and national levels.
We provide or assist in the following:
- Mentoring, the pairing up of new ham licensees with experienced hams Elmers. Every new ham should find his or her Elmer experience should be shared!
- Publish the Feedline newsletter supplying local, national and technical news about amateur radio on a monthly basis.
- Conduct educational classes for the, Technician, entry level, General, intermediate level, and the Extra, advanced level, Amateur Radio licenses. The educational classes are provided free-of-charge (except for the costs of the various books).
- Expanding & continuing our hobby through the Crenshaw Middle School Ham Radio Club (AK8CC) and the Venturing Crew 73 (KT8BSA) Amateur Radio Club at the Seven Ranges Scout Reservation. Our members continue mentoring the students and crew in all aspects of amateur radio.
- Provide and maintain an open 2 meter FM Repeater located in Canton, OH for the Amateur Radio community to use.
- Supply communications for the Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival, Community Parade and the Grand Parade.
- Have a Special Events Station (W8AL) on the air making hundreds of contacts with amateurs throughout the world during the Pro Football Hall of Fame week. Contacted stations may request a certificate for a modest fee.
- Participate in Mock Disasters Drills sponsored by various government agencies.
- Amateur Radio volunteers are provided to Skywarn to watch weather conditions and forward severe weather reports to the National Weather Service at Cleveland, OH, via two-way radio.
- Establish Communications for disasters such as the Power Outages and Floods during the winter of 2003.